The word of the day is "Water". Why? Well, everything we did today involved water.
We (reluctantly) woke up this morning and made plans to go to the Erie Canal. A while later, we were on the road. Two false directions later, we were at the visitors center. We waited a while and soon we were on the Canal. The captain was very nice, and the boat was neat.
We stopped in Lock 2 and waited. The water level suddenly rose, and rose, and rose...And soon we were level with the water on top. More sailing - is that what we did? Sail? No, it's boating. Whatever, I'm getting off track - and soon we were back in the lock. Down, down, down, and we were offered to go on top of the boat. Molly and Theo agreed immediatly. I was hesitant, but soon I joined the two. Thank God that there were rails there. I probably would've fallen off. SPLASH!
Now, we were given the task of steering the boat. It turned out well, I guess. We were on the Hudson at this point, and the last thing we need is another miracle on that river. We got back on land, and we recorded a Camp Joan Update. Link coming soon. We're going to do a second one today.
We ate at Pig Pit (which was delayed due to 15-20 bikers showing up) and decided to see Cohoes Falls. They weren't kidding when they said it was the second largest waterfall in the state. I recorded a video there. Link pending. By the way, Molly won't be helping in any more Camp Joan videos. She's in one of her "moods". Sigh. Women. Can't live with 'em....
We went to the library and checked out 11 books on cryptids (We developed a sudden intrest in them on the road). I think we might have gone a bit overboard on it.
We will be going minituare golfing later today, and we'll do a video there (in which Molly will not be assisting at all.)
Quote of the day
"Rerouting...Rerouting...Rerouting..." - Marsha (GPS person)
"Man down! No, wait...Man up." - Theo
great blog,Dan-you have the 'knack'-perhaps you should re-think keeping a journal- I'm just saying-- you do have at least ten empty ones.How does the idea of a photo-journalist sound? Let's hear from Theo.Give Molly some time and I'm sure she will have much to blog about. Sounds like you all are having a blast up there.Should have called it Camp Fun. Keep on blogging.Love to all, Grandmother...
The Jersey Devil is real, not a cryptid. I've seen him on my way to the shore.
Sounds like you had a really cool adventure today-- I've always wanted to ride through a lock.
There are 11 books about cryptids? Who knew.
Miles likes seeing Theo-- more Theo footage please! I'm glad you kids have the Flip camera, it is fun for us to watch your updates.
hey gang, looks like you're having an awesome time. Dan, your writing skills are impressive. Try to get Molly to post something. Is the pie good in Latham?
and btw, I had to google "cryptid. I thought it was some sort of insect thing.
Dan, do me a favor, when you're at the HOF, ask somebody there where the heck is the Pete Rose exhibit. Thanks
Hi, you three vacationers- those pictures at the canal are awesome.What's on the agenda today?
Marybeth -
The counsler says that if he smiled for the camera instead of hiding from the camera he would have more screen time.
No worries, though. I'll keep him near me during the CJU's.
Have fun!
Very Cool! Glad you are having so much fun. Love, Mary
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