Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Camp Joan, Year 4, Day 4 - Dan VS Horse

I've never been that great with horses. Something about them makes me...iffy. Maybe it's the fact that they're way bigger than me, the fact that their hooves could end my life with a slight stomp, or their weird teeth.
It's definitely the teeth.
Maybe it's the Headless Horseman, or how easily they can throw someone off, or John Elway, but horses have always creeped me out a little bit. Even the Denver Broncos logo makes me a little uneasy. 
The resemblance is uncanny.

Anyways, after our lesson wrapped up, we headed on up to Little Brook Farm, a horse farm hidden in Nowhere, USA Chatham. The farm had about 40ish horses, all big and hungry. The intern there, Erika, showed us around the place and told us the names of all the horses. The ones I can remember off the top of my head were Pilot, Casey, Shane, Frisco,Dakota, Pumpkin, Falcon, and a slew of other names. I'd also like to promise now that I will not be making any horse puns for the entirety of the post, despite my inner corniness urging me on. Right, so Molly and Joan were on talk duty while Uncle Len carried food buckets and I pushed around the cart. I even dumped some food into a horse bowl, too. 

I can't tell who's ears are bigger. 

I wanna say this horse's name is Pumpkin, but I'm not sure.

Afterwords, I tried mimicking a photo I was in yesterday that had me giving the thumbs-up next to the huge pile of hay. It didn't go too hot today.
What can I say? I'm photogenic!

The woman in charge, Lynn, was telling me about a summer camp they have here and that I could be a counselor. I very quickly explained that I like working with little kids, they just don't like me. She said it didn't really matter, and if I wanted to help out, I'd be welcome to. I'm thinking about it, but the big thing would be the blog name change. I wonder what we could do...?

...Okay, maybe not that.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Curse you, orange!" - Molly, during an unsuccessful stitch on orange (part of our Vet Science class)

1 comment:

betty said...

I love talk duty. Maybe it is a "girl" thing. I like getting Camp Joan news from the horses mouth. Great blogging. Aloha.