Friday, July 17, 2015


Hello all! I'm glad to say that Molly, Frank, and I are back at Camp Joan. We left at around 8:05 AM and we got there around 12:47. We had a quick lunch of grilled cheese with bacon and, in my case, tomato before we headed off to the locks. I've already been in a lock on the water in our previous adventure on the Hudson River way back in Year 1. 
A lock works like this;When a river is uneven (one section is much taller than than the other section), they have a big ol' concrete box. The box floods with water, filling it up until it's close to even with the higher level of water. The boat goes in. The water is drained, the gates open, and the boat goes on through the lock. I neglected to tell you about how locks work in Year 1 because I was, like, 12 and didn't want to explain something that can be explained in a paragraph. I took a few pictures of the lock in action, but because it is entirely too late, I will post them tomorrow (7/18) so you can look at a large concrete box with water in it like the animals that you are.
We went to very very very large supermarket, dubbed the Market Bistro, or, in other words, basically a tryhard Wegmans. There's a lot going on there, there's a whole third of the shop dedicated to the dozen or so restaurants that are in there, the rest is filled with the most groceries you will ever see. They go so far as to include a talking cow in the store. Like, two cartoon cows with voice actors made exclusively from the dairy section.
I'm not exaggerating about the size of this place. If the Market Bistro peacefully seceded from the United States, it could fesebly sustain itself for years upon years because of their small army of employees. Their food supply could last them easily 10 years.
After that, we headed on home, I went to a baseball game after dinner with Uncle Len and my Dad. The Valleycats were winning when we left.

Tomorrow, we're going berry picking and I'm possibly going to see Ant-Man with my dad and my sister.

R.I.P Jigglypuff

"Just make up something." - Molly

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